

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482

711 Guidelines for Handling Discrimination Complaints


理由是:  To establish a framework for investigating alleged violations of the University’s Equal Opportunity Policy.



1.  初步的问题.

  1. 本指引的目的. These Guidelines are intended to ensure that discrimination and retaliation complaints are handled promptly, 有效地, 和公平. 这些指导方针不是严格的规则,第九条和平等机会合规办公室可以偏离它们, 只要它认为合适, to respond 有效地 和公平 to individual complaints. These Guidelines do not create contractual rights for the parties.

  2. 不适用第九条性骚扰. This Policy does not apply to Title IX Sexual Harassment. To understand the University’s grievance procedures for Title IX Sexual Harassment, 参见《韦德体育app官网》,该报告来自第九条和平等机会合规办公室 http://vcf6.minxueacc.com/title-ix-and-compliance/title-ix-resources/

  3. 提出投诉的时限. Complaints must be filed within 60 days of the offending incident or most recent offending incident. 大学保留权利, 自行决定, to investigate and act on complaints involving incidents that have occurred beyond the 60-day filing period. 这样的接受并不是为了, nor shall it; waive timeliness defenses the University may otherwise have available to it in any judicial or administrative proceedings.

  4. 调查的机密性. The Office of Title IX and Equal Opportunity Compliance cannot guarantee confidentiality, but will only share information about an investigation on an as needed basis or as required by law. 第九条和平等机会遵守办公室将向主管和适当的高级管理人员提供有关调查的信息. 如果一方或多方是学生, the Office of Title IX and Equal Opportunity Compliance will provide such information to the Dean of Students. 调查各方和证人应将有关调查的所有资料视为机密.

  5. 支持的人. 在调查过程中, a party may have another member of the University community present as his/her support person. 律师不得担任赡养人. 教师 or staff who are members of a union may have a union representative as a support person.

  6. 虚假的报告. If, 在任何时候, 第九条和平等机会遵守办公室确定投诉者故意撒谎或故意向其提供虚假信息he Office of Title IX and Equal Opportunity Compliance, the Office of Title IX and Equal Opportunity Compliance will refer the matter to the Assistant Vice President for Human 资源, the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost or Dean of Students, 适当的, 纪律处分. Disciplinary action may include termination of employment or expulsion. A Complainant whose allegations are truthful, but found by the Office of Title IX and Equal Opportunity Compliance not to constitute unlawful discrimination or retaliation, has not provided false information within the meaning of these Guidelines.

  7. 集体谈判协议. 如果任何一方是与大学签订集体谈判协议的团体的成员,并且该协议的条款特别改变或与这些程序相冲突, the terms of the collective bargaining agreement shall prevail. 作为集体谈判单位成员的教职员工可以根据适用的集体谈判协议提出申诉, 如果有任何, instead of filing a discrimination complaint under these Guidelines.

2.  Pre-Investigation程序.

  1. 谁可以提出投诉? Any person who believes s/he has been subjected to discrimination in a University program or activity, 包括, 但不限于就业和教育, 或者报复, 可以提出投诉. The person who lodges a complaint is called a “Complainant.”

  2. 如何及在何处提出投诉. 希望学校处理歧视或报复投诉的人应提交一份书面声明,其中包括以下所有内容:
  • 被指控罪行的性质

  • the name of the individual(s) against whom the complaint is made

  • 违规事件的具体情况, 包括发生了什么, 事情发生的地方, 当它发生的时候, 谁在场?, and who else the person making the complaint told about the matter

  • the date and the signature of the person lodging the complaint

If the complaint is about an employee, the complaint should be sent to:

Director of Office of Title IX and Equal Opportunity Compliance



If the complaint is about a student, the complaint should be sent to:





学生主任将根据韦德体育app官网行为准则和司法系统处理歧视和报复投诉. 第九条和平等机会合规办公室和学生院长可以相互提交书面投诉,以确保使用最适当的程序来回应此事.

如果投诉是关于大学承包商的, the complaint should be made to the Office of Title IX and Equal Opportunity Compliance, 第九条和平等机会遵守办公室将与承包商提供服务的部门的副总裁合作. 本指南不适用.

如果投诉指控第九章平等机会合规办公室的员工歧视或报复, it should be made to a Vice President or the President.

  1. 从第三方收到的投诉. 如果第九条和平等机会合规办公室收到来自第三方关于可能的歧视或报复行为的信息, 第九条和平等机会遵守办公室将联系被认为受到该行为影响的人,并要求其提供书面声明.

  2. 拒绝提供书面声明. 如果有人提出口头或匿名投诉, 或者拒绝提供书面声明, the Office of Title IX and Equal Opportunity Compliance will investigate based upon available information, 但前提是该信息足以使大学进行有意义和公平的调查.

  3. 识别被投诉人. 在投诉中被指控从事歧视或报复行为的人称为“被告”.被申请人是行政单位的, an appropriate administrative representative will respond on the unit's behalf.

  4. 决定是否调查投诉. When Office of Title IX and Equal Opportunity Compliance receives a complaint, 委员会审查投诉,以确保:
  • 这是及时的;

  • The situation described in the complaint arose in the course of a University program or activity;

  • The complaint is directed against a University employee, student or administrative unit;

  • If factually supported, the alleged behavior could constitute unlawful discrimination or retaliation. 

如投诉不符合上述准则, Office of Title IX and Equal Opportunity Compliance may close the case and notify the Complainant. 如果被指控的行为违反了大学的其他政策,答辩人可能仍然会受到大学的制裁.

如果第九条和平等机会合规办公室在初步阶段无法确定被指控的行为是否, 如果有事实支持, could constitute unlawful discrimination or retaliation, 它可以决定调查此事.

第九条和平等机会合规办公室可以决定不调查投诉,即使指控, 假设有事实支持, could constitute unlawful discrimination or retaliation, 如果被投诉的人不再与大学有联系,或者没有有效的补救行动可以回应投诉.

3.  调查过程.

  1. 通知被申请人. 第九条和平等机会合规办公室将与被投诉人联系,并向他/她提供投诉书和本指南的副本. If the Respondent agrees that the allegations in the complaint are true, Office of Title IX and Equal Opportunity Compliance may, 自行决定, 决定不进行进一步调查.

  2. 保护措施. 有时有必要在调查前或调查期间采取措施,以保障投诉人及/或被投诉人的权益. Protective measures may also guard against further actual or perceived discrimination or retaliation. 保护措施可包括, 但不限于, 指示投诉人和被投诉人避免个人接触或在没有中立第三人在场的情况下避免此类接触.

  3. 调查期间解雇. 第九条和平等机会合规办公室可以在调查期间的任何时候驳回投诉,如果它确定投诉, 如果有事实支持, could not constitute unlawful discrimination or retaliation. 双方当事人将被通知解雇.

  4. 举证责任. 调查人员应根据证据的优势来确定是否存在非法歧视, meaning whether it is more likely than not that unlawful discrimination occurred.

  5. 调查报告. The investigator will create a written report describing his/her factual findings, 这些调查结果的依据和对是否发生非法歧视或报复的决定. 第九条和平等机会合规办公室将努力在收到投诉后60天内完成调查.

4.  调查后程序.

  1. 如果没有发现歧视或报复. 如果第九条和平等机会合规办公室认定没有发生非法歧视或报复,或者投诉中的指控缺乏足够的证据支持, 它将通知当事人并结案. 

  2. 如发现歧视. If Office of Title IX and Equal Opportunity Compliance determines that discrimination or retaliation occurred, 第九条和平等机会遵守办公室将向人力资源助理副总裁发送调查报告, the Vice President for Academic Affairs or the Dean of Students, 适当的, 进一步行动. If the Respondent is a Vice President, the report will be sent to the President.

  3. 纪律处分. Disciplinary action will be imposed in accordance with the applicable collective bargaining agreement, 劳动合同或劳动政策, 如果有任何.




Procedures for Responding to Reports of Title IX Sexual Harassment from the Office of Title IX and Equal Opportunity Compliance http://vcf6.minxueacc.com/title-ix-and-compliance/title-ix-resources/
